General FAQs

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Who are Fire & Rain soul spas for? 

Women and men who have lost their life partner – spouse, fiancé, girlfriend or boyfriend – through death and feel like taking some time out in a both relaxing and inspiring environment. An enjoyable holiday in a “safe space”.

Does it matter how long ago I was bereaved? 

No. But if you’re newly bereaved and the grief is still very raw the soul spas might not be the right thing for you. If you’re seeing a counsellor you may want to check with them or your GP what they think.

What’s happening on these retreats? Is there a programme? 

It’s up to you how you want to spend your time. But we have a well rounded programme of nice and inspiring things planned, which you can did in and out of as you please. Even if you take part in all activities there’s still plenty time to relax and chill.

To give you an idea of what the days will look like here’s the programme for the Hebridean Wildscapes Soul Spa in Mull in May 2018 for download:

Hebridean Wildscapes programme May 2018

It seems daunting to go on a holiday with people I don’t know while I’m still feeling very fragile

Yes, this can feel daunting, even if you were a very confident traveller in your “old life”. You need to listen to your inner voice here. But I dare say I’m very sure you won’t regret it if you come along and see what happens. From the first contact with Fire & Rain all communication is very personal – we don’t do mass tourism or superficial stuff. One guest at one of the Soul Spas said she’d nearly turned around at Glasgow Central Station because she had a wobble – then she was so glad she hadn’t 😉

If you feel more comfortable bringing a close person with you (e.g. sister, friend, adult child), you can do that and they’ll get 50% of the price if you share a twin room.

Do you provide counselling or therapy?

There is no formal counselling involved although we all have experience and/or are qualified to provide the right type of support where needed. Nature, feelgood surroundings and a compassionate atmosphere, as well as the enjoyment that will come from it, all have a healing and therapeutic effect. And they are what the Soul Spas are about.

Is it possible to come to a Soul Spa a second time? 

Of course it is! And since no two retreats are the same, you can be sure you’ll get new inspiration and activities to enjoy. There is also a special friends rate – returning guests get 10% off the price on the website. No need to use a discount code – I know who you are :).

Can I bring someone else with me? 

Yes, if you want to bring a close friend or a family member to the soul spa they’re welcome to join if you book a twin room together. Make sure you both state clearly at the time of booking that you’re coming together and we will allocate one of the twin rooms. You will get 50% off the price for this second place.

Can I bring my children?

No. Soul spas aren’t geared towards younger children. If you want to join with an adult daughter or son (18+), that’s fine. They will get 50% off the double occupancy price if you share a twin room with them. For younger children there are organisations who offer holidays for bereaved families. Please contact us if you need more information about this.

Can I take part if I have suffered a loss of a different kind, such as losing a parent or a child? 

Only if you’re coming together with someone who has lost their life partner since this is the focus for Fire & Rain Soul Spas at the moment. There are other losses who have similar devastating effects on people’s lives, but they are different in several ways. We don’t rule out broadening the focus through other types of Soul Spas in the future though. Drop us a message to register your interest.

Will this not be a really depressing holiday? 

Absolutely not. You can be sure that the spirit of the break will be inspiring and uplifting despite, or maybe even because, we’ve survived the experience of great loss.

What if I feel really bad and have some sort of crisis? 

The soul spas offer a safe space and compassionate environment, and we will be there to talk and figure out what might help you in a particular situation. We also have access to emergency support if needed.

Do you only offer soul spas in Scotland? 

Yes. Scotland has so much to offer. Never say never, but for the foreseeable future I don’t plan to run any retreats outside Scotland.

3 thoughts on “General FAQs

      1. Hello, the soul spa descriptions list everything that’s included, followed by the total cost (for the retreat in June) and (for the retreat in January). Please do get in touch if you have any other questions. You can email me on . Best wishes Ute

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